Nursing Shield Analysis

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There are in total five characteristics that we included as parts of the Coat Of Arms and they are; commitment, trust, empathy, optimism that are within the COA shield and teamwork which are the holding hands surrounding the shield. These qualities are those that best represented what nursing means to me. It is essential in exercising these values daily in nursing as it brings the nurse closer to helping clients meet their desired health goals. All of these characteristics are accompanied by symbols that are carefully selected to further enhance the meaning of these qualities.
A ring is used to symbolize commitment on the Coat Of Arms shield because it is a universal icon of marriage and is the biggest and most important pledge a person can …show more content…

Equally important is obtaining trust which is a characteristic that is represented as a ladder on the COA because a ladder would fall if there is not someone to keep it steady and trust is needed to be able to climb up without fear. A ladder was selected because it represents the fear of something going wrong that everyone especially patients carry and that nurses are the ones they can trust to help keep it steady for them as they climb towards wellbeing. On the contrary, the image of a person patting the other on the back signifies empathy as they are being comforted with compassion. The reason for choosing this imagery is to display the importance of non-verbal communication, especially when demonstrating empathy towards patients that have a hard time communicating such as language barriers in trying to break those walls down. Optimism is displayed as a glass that is half-empty and half-full to check a person's attitude towards a situation and was chosen because nursing is a profession that is …show more content…

It is an obligatory characteristic to have in nursing as nothing would be accomplished without it. It should be demonstrated from the first interaction with the patient until their discharge date and even after, where nurses would appoint them to other resources that will aid them in their recovery. "Individuals revealing high levels of commitment remain with the organization because they identify with its values…" (Freire and Azevedo, 2015) Likewise, nurses must be committed to advocating for our client's rights and decisions. Just as a person who wears a wedding ring expects their other half to be devoted to taken care of and protecting them for the rest of their lives, nurses are dedicated to addressing all the patients' needs and ensuring that they feel safe in their new environment. Being able to adapt and change in nursing to attend to situations that arise requires a great amount of devotion to the profession as it shows real

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