Numeracy Research

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In terms of my friend, he agreed that numeracy is an application of mathematics in our daily lives, which is supported by that mathematics is often defined as body of language, its more about general principles that can be applied in a range of context (Hughes & Hallett, 2001. as cited in Hogan, 2012). However, he explains that mathematical knowledge is ever expanding and is much broader than the abilities of numeracy. It can be inferred that mathematics and numeracy are interdependent (Hogan, 2012). To be numerate is to use mathematics effectively to meet the general demands of life at home, in paid work, and for participation in community and civic life (AAMT (1997):p. 2). Numeracy is a critical awareness which builds bridges between mathematics …show more content…

In the class, students can apply decision-making and problem-solving skills when taking action to enhance their own and others’ health, safety and wellbeing. First, students can make a list about what they usually have for whole day meals. Then based on the given form food calories chart and the food they have, students can calculate how much they intake every day and also represent those data into fraction then compare with other students. Next step, student have to make decision to adjust their food after they compare their own date to official date which will present recommended daily …show more content…

First, students have to understand and analyze the all the information on food calories chart, like the name of food, the number, the measure units (gram), quantity, cups, glass, bottle and so on. This is related to ‘understand and use numbers in context’; ‘interpret data displays’ and ‘estimate and measure with metric units’ (Australian Curriculum, 2018). Then students are able to interpret data and calculate how much calories they have taken every day. After this, student should compare their data to official recommended daily intakes’ date to find out a solution if they are over or below the official date, which can be linked to ‘estimate a solution to a problem and then check the solution by calculating’ (Australian Curriculum,

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