Nudity In Social Movement

760 Words2 Pages

Paper Topic: Nudity and Protest in Social Movements.

• Introduction:
Nudity is used as a strategy to allure public attention. It was first used in 1914 by the “Freedomites” in Saskatchewan to shed light towards their attitude against a materialistic life (Makarova, V, 2013). Like many other social tactics; Public nudity has many obstacles such as: the lawful and cultural acceptance of nudity. It is often regarded as an indecent tactic by society. However nudity in protesting is very convenient in attracting media attention.
This paper will focus on the effectiveness of public nudity as a tactic of protesting, how it brings attention to a certain social movement, obstacles facing nudity and how it differs within different cultures and countries. …show more content…

FEMEN: is a Ukrainian feminist protest group that uses their bare chests to bring attention to a certain social aspect. About FEMEN. Retrieved from

• Body:
Main point #1: How nudity is used and effective is the use public nudity is used as a tactic of protesting? How it brings attention to a certain social movement?

-Nudity is often associated with vulnerability (Carr-Gomm, 2010). For example: in 2007, 600 people went nude on a glacier in the Alps to show human vulnerability. Demonstrating the fact that people might be unable to protect themselves from future climate change. Another example is the World Naked Bike Ride (started in 2004) that takes place once every year. Cyclists express the vulnerability they feel while riding their bikes and promote bicycle friendly roads. (Shaffer, M S. 2008)

-Nudity highlights the connection people have with nature. For example: PETA launched a campaign called “Lettuce Ladies”; it promotes veganism by dressing young ladies in a bikini made out of lettuce assembling in a city center and handing out leaflets about veganism. Another effective method used by PETA in 1997 is the “I’d Rather Go Naked than Wear Fur” where celebrities pose naked to raise awareness of the unjust treatment of animals how and hunted down for their fur. (Lunceford, …show more content…

Nudity might also bring the wrong attention to a certain social movement. For example WNBR involves a mass demonstration of nudity many feel that it should take place under a controlled environment at a certain time of day and certain area. People who take part in the WNBR are often seen as willing to engage in exhibitionism or publicly demonstrate sexual arousal. The acceptation of nudity relies on the condition of social attitudes towards it. However, without a doubt nudity does generate a lot of media

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