Nothing's Sacred Lewis Black Analysis

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Lewis Black crafted comedy genius for most of his lifetime. And when anyone asks ‘Who makes you laugh the most?’ My answer is, without hesitating for a moment, the genius Lewis Black. He has a unique twist on the game that is standup comedy, and he truly stands out from other comedians in the standup field. His memoir, Nothing’s Sacred, is a journey through the standup comedian Lewis Black’s life. Starting from as early as he can remember. (while still making it a hilarious adventure) He depicts almost all of the aspects of his pre to post high-school life and how he got to where he is now. The book is artfully crafted and was all in all, a great read. While giving marvelous satire in the guise of telling a story Lewis Black also does a great job of being narrator, and can see what his struggles and early life was …show more content…

That’s because none of us eat enough it so the candy corn company sends out their representatives to collect the discarded candy corn through dumpsters and trash cans, where it is then washed off and bagged up again. A few months later, and that candy corn is sitting on every coffee shop table in America.” It was truly amusing and drew me in at an early stage in the book, and there is plenty more quotes just like that one that draw you in and get you interested in whatever subject he is discussing, including the quote regarding catholicism. “Let’s face facts: If you took somebody with no religious learnings whatsoever and locked that person in a psych ward with nobody around and no stimuli, the Catholic religion is exactly what he’d come up with.” It was a witty remark to the issue concerning Catholicism that he briefly goes over in a chapter circled around religion and his view on certain religions, including his native religion, Judaism and its neighboring rival,

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