'Not Caring For Order And Rule In Daniel's Zealot'

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Not caring for order and rule Daniel seeks out to destroy the Romans. Because of Daniel’s hatred towards the Romans, he will go on a journey trying to seek help to get back at the Romans, but finds that love is stronger than hate which is the main theme of the book. Throughout the book Daniel questions his cause, Daniel decides to open up more and make friendships along his journey, and is intrigued by Jesus sermons, Daniel is confused through his journey on whether he’s fighting for a right cause. Daniel decides to join Rosh’s Zealot group after running away from his abusive master Amalek. It begins when Rosh has Daniel prove his usefulness to the resistance. Daniel is the task to rob an old Jewish man. But Rosh is disappointed that Daniel didn’t kill him and Daniel argues back but knows he can’t bring himself to hurt innocent people. Daniel finds out that he and everyone in Rosh’s group is considered a pack of thieves and Daniel grows discouraged because he hadn’t signed up to loot people but Daniel’s eyes are truly opened when his friend Joel is captured and Rosh is not at all concerned for the young boy in his group and blows him off. …show more content…

Soon after that Daniel volunteers to keep hold and watch the slave they’ve just release from the Romans. Samson the slave follows Daniel around everywhere he goes. Daniel at first is embarrassed but doesn’t mind later through the book. Daniel is tasked to send a message to Joel by Rosh. But soon they get closer when Daniel is badly wounded. Joel and Malthace help Daniel to recover. Daniel opens up to them about his past and why he hates the Romans so much. They form a vow to get revenge for Daniel’s parents. After Daniel leaves Rosh’s group, he forms a new group were he recruits people that believe in his cause. Nathan and Samson died for Daniel and Daniel are despondent about their

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