Njeri's New Adventure Summary

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The creation of the children’s book Njeri’s New Adventure utilizes a number of literary devices to support literacy development. This captivating story about a young girl who moves from Africa to Canada with her family engages readers both through text and photographs. Kirk and Clark (2012) highlight that through rhymes and repetition children are able to explore words that sound similar encouraging phonological awareness. The use of rhyme and repetition is embedded throughout the story to promote phonological awareness as a way to provide increased opportunities for literacy development.
Phonological Awareness Phonological awareness refers to an individual’s ability to hear and manipulate a variety of sounds in spoken words as well as recognize various parts of speech including syllables, rhymes and letter sounds (Canadian Council on Learning, 2006; Johnson, McDonnell, & Hawken, 2008). A child’s level of phonological awareness is directly related to later reading outcomes. Phonological awareness is enhanced when children are exposed to rhymes, have opportunities to practice letter sounds, and have opportunities to identify initial sounds in words …show more content…

Furthermore, reading books with repetitive refrains enhance the predictability of the story, which further supports children’s literacy development (Johnson, McDonnell, & Hawken, 2006). However, educators are cautioned to consider the intended readers when selecting books and not to undermine their abilities by selecting books that are overly predictable (Dickinson, 2002). Njeri’s New Adventure exposes readers to the repetition in the refrain throughout the book providing the opportunity to predict what might come next. Yet the story remains intriguing for the children and is not overly predictable for the intended

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