Nikola Tesla Impact On The World

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“What we now want is closer contact and better understanding between individuals and communities all over the earth, and the elimination of egoism and pride which is always prone to plunge the world into primeval barbarism and strife... Peace can only come as a natural consequence of universal enlightenment...” ― Nikola Tesla
I am Bryan Emond. I strive to bring equality to the planet. I want to influence how people think about our planet that way we can save it from ruin. Nikola Tesla had similar ideas and this makes him a huge influence on my life. He was also a very inspiring inventor and electrical engineer.
I have chosen to pursue this field because the overall health of our planet and our future generations is a grave concern of mine …show more content…

With the influence of the major leaders in my field I feel like these 3 and a half years will go by super fast and I will be able to provide for others.
Born in what is now Croatia, Immigrated to the United States to become an Unsung Hero. His accomplishments of creating the alternating current (AC) electrical systems is what we are using today. The ideas in this mans head made some people believe he had gone mad with his futuristic experiments he started performing. Leaving this incredible man out of the spot light of history’s greatest leaders.
In my mind Nikola Tesla is a leader because he challenged the ideas that AC current wasn’t safe when everyone doubted him and it soon show the world that thinking clearly the logical approach is the AC over the DC. He was always discredited for what he did and it didn’t bother him. This shows his ambition to not accept defeat when it was clearly a matter of opinions and not fact.
Nikola Tesla gave us Alternating Current, X-Ray, Radio, and Remote Control
Nikola Tesla wanted to transmit electricity like radio waves, This was his way of giving back to all. We haven’t looked into Tesla’s research in this but I believe it’s something we will be in the near …show more content…

His creativity was also something he was very good at. He had all sorts of experiments and made a lot of discoveries. He always had a positive outlook on life and what he was doing. He wanted to end war and unite the world with his inventions.
I set a good example for my friends with my positive attitude. I take the lead when others don’t know what to do. I am always trying to do the right thing. I desire change and I am always trying to learn new things which benefit not only myself, but everyone around me. I am creative and embrace the future.
With my creativity and intuition I can develop cleaner and more efficient ways to harness energy and make it available to everyone. Inspire others the desperate need for change and push the field of renewable energy to expand faster. I will also set an example for others by giving the energy to the places that really need it and share with the world what can not be created or destroyed.
I have learned a lot about myself from the assessments in my class. I discovered I study much better with background music. I am more of a hands on learner. I also found out ways to improve my areas that need work. This first class has made me motivated to learn and develop as a

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