Never Let Me Go Literary Analysis

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“What makes us human is not our mind but our heart, not our ability to think but our ability to love.” This quote by Henri J.M. Nouwen supports the ideas and themes of emerging friendships and love in the novel Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro. In the novel, Ishiguro conveys that clones are humans with hopes and feelings through his use of symbolism, setting, and allegory. Ishiguro expresses what it means to be a human with the use of symbolism throughout the novel. Symbolism adds a deeper and richer meaning to the story by connecting certain aspects of the plot. In chapter six, Kathy recalls herself at Hailsham when she was listening to her favorite song, Never Let Me Go, from her cassette tapes and reflects that “it was one of those times I’d grabbed a pillow to stand in for the baby” (Ishiguro 71). Kathy picks up the pillow and holds it as if it were a baby. The pillow symbolizing a baby allows readers to see that the clones are able …show more content…

The setting places the novel in the context of what the characters see in their surroundings. When the characters go to visit Norfolk to see Ruth’s “possible,” Ruth admires an office in a newspaper that caught her eye. Ruth later describes how she wishes she could work in an office exactly like the one that they saw. Kathy says that Ruth “went into all the details – the plants, the gleaming equipment, the chairs with their swivels and castors” (Ishiguro 144) and that Ruth even described the employees as the “dynamic, go-ahead types” (Ishiguro 144). This part of the novel shows that, just as human are able to envision their futures and to wish certain things for themselves, clones are able to do so as well. Just as Ruth and the other characters visualize Ruth’s aspirations and dreams by way of her vivid explanation, the readers are able to visualize it just the same. In such a way that Ishiguro uses setting to define humanity, he uses allegory as

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