Neuroscience Personal Statement

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In the recent years, and even months, my intellectual interests have shifted as I arrive closer to realizing my purpose in life. I completed high school with the idea that pursuing Neuroscience would be the perfect career for me, however once I delved into my first semester of college, that vision changed. My mission life, which stems from the core of my beliefs, is to spread goodness into the world. Recently I discovered the value of life and the importance of appreciating that which surrounds us. Although I respect Neuroscience as a discipline, I could not see myself fulfilling my purpose in this field. I am instead beginning to take classes in Philosophy and Sociology and Anthropology in hopes that this track will allow me to explore ideas …show more content…

One idea is to become involved in advocacy, either for the environment, animals, or minority groups. This type of work would allow me to be play an active role in promoting positive, necessary change in the country and around the world. It is crucial, especially in modern day, that humans approach life with an awareness of their humble place. In order to make this positive difference in the world, I believe it is necessary to establish a strong understanding of the world and its function. One of the most influential figures in my life, Captain Paul Watson, marine wildlife conservation and an environmental activist, once said "Intelligence is the ability to live in harmony with one's natural surroundings." It is my obligation to move in the direction of harmony and to spread this message, through action, to those who I encounter. I believe that my contribution to the world does not begin upon the completion of a undergraduate, graduate, or doctoral degree. The positive impact that I am able to make begins today and continues every day that I walk this planet. Plans for my future and my career are vessels in which I will use to spread this goodness around. My ideas for the world are expansive and lined with love and the hope that we will one day realize the compassionate nature that connects all

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