Nuroscience And Neuroscience

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Thesis Medical advancement coupled with psychology, and behavioral science may potentially hold the combination lock to curing this world of trauma and strife. We now live in a world in which modern medicine and neuroscience can potentially remove a person’s negative memory and change their response to trauma. Whether or not this capacity is ethical or moral is an entirely different issue that requires an in depth analysis of the potential uses of such treatments. Are they morally permissible? Can they help us lead better lives? Could the potential for abuse create moral hazards much worse than the traumas we seek to cure? All this and more must be explored if we are to draw conclusions about this modern wonder. Paper Neuroscience refers to “the scientific study of the nervous system” It has been responsible for breakthroughs involving molecular, cellular, developmental, and medical aspects of human behaviors. Various organizations such as the “International society for neurochemistry” and the “European Brain and behavior Society” exist today to further the study of the nervous system and expand human understanding of medical and psychological ailments. The actual study of the nervous system dates all the way back to ancient Egypt where surgeons would drill holes into the human skull in order to alleviate a variety of aliments. The second half of the 20th century furthered the study of neuroscience via advancements in Molecular biology, and electrophysiology. These advancements are currently being used to study potential solutions to diseases such as (ALS) amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, strokes, and brain trauma. This research is funded by credible organizations such as the (NIH) National Institute of Health and the “National S... ... middle of paper ... ...013/12/22/erasing-painful-memories-with-shock-treatment/) It should be noted that If this concept was taken to another extreme it could also be used to train spies and soldiers to commit acts that normally we’d be morally against but with the advent of such a treatment could potentially create individuals who kill without future remorse thus removing psychological barriers that could prevent cruelty and injustice. My conclusion based on current evidence is that these treatments have the potential to help people in pain but also had a huge liability in the form of potential misuse. I look forward to the continued use of neuroscience in pursuit of ways to help humans in ethical ways and also hope that these methods won’t remove a part that I consider to be intrinsic to what makes us human and defines both our moral character and ethical standing within the world.

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