Neuromyth Research Paper

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Neuromyths consist of a brain-based, or neurological, concept that has been taken out of disproportion and fed to the masses as food for thought. Many neuromyths find their inception in small research labs or in a published article that is not well founded. While most neuromyths are harmless, some of them can be blown so out of proportion that marketing industries prey on the vulnerability of individuals because today’s society flourishes on being the best an individual can possibly be. Dr. Usha Goswami explains a common neuromyth susceptible to such scrutiny that finds its foundation in “enriched environments” (Goswami, 2004). This neuromyth states that by having an ‘enriched environment’ such as increased educational programs or language immersion it helps to enhance the brain’s capacity …show more content…

This neuromyth that ‘enhanced environments’ improves the brain’s capacity to learn finds its routes in multiple neuromyths. Two of such neuromyths are: the concept that the brain is most receptive to learning things between the ages of birth to three and that of the concept of use it or lost it completely when it comes to neural pathways. While both of these underlying neuromyths do have scientific backing, the understanding of it has been misconstrued. But where did this concept of enhanced environments begin then? The groundwork for this myth was laid when psychologists conducted research on rats. What they found was that rats that had an upbringing in an enriched and stimulating environment had a greater capability to memorize complex maze problems and get through them (Goswami, 2004). The biggest issue with such research, as many psychologists have found, is that research conducted on the brain of rats and other rodents cannot be applied to human brains due to the

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