Doctor Rita Smilkstein's Natural Human Learning Process

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Natural Human Learning Process The learning process in human beings is very natural, and we all want to learn from a very young age. Doctor Rita Smilkstein studied learning in humans for many years and has found this to be true. After reading this paper and learning about how the brain works during the learning process, you may be able to find a time in your life where you utilized the learning process, just as I began to think about how I have learned something using techniques similar to the NHLP. (“We're Born to Learn: Using the Brain's Natural Learning Process to Create Today’s Curriculum”)

The natural human learning process is a process developed by doctor Rita Smilkstein. Her wondrous studies incorporate tens of thousands of people, cohesively, over several years. Dr. Smilkstein’s intelligent process enumerates in six stages. Each consecutive stage builds upon the previous one. These stages are; motivation, start to practice, advanced practice, skillfulness, refinement, and finally mastery. Dr. Smilkstein calls learning a natural biological process. I learned how to play video games through these stages. From my very first glance, I knew I wanted to learn to play video games. The thrill of interacting with an automated competitor was extremely intriguing. The earlier versions of video games, …show more content…

The neurons or brain cells are shaped like trees. Young brain cells, called soma, resemble an acorn or small seed of a tree. The seed sprouts limbs when stimulated, called dendrites. Further on in development, the cell will grow a trunk like structure called an axon. The axon has an outer shell, like the bark of a tree, called the myelin sheath. Finally, at the base of the cell, there are root-like structures called axon terminal bulbs. Through these bulbs and the dendrite of another cell, cells communicate with each other through electrochemical impulses. These impulses cause the dendrites to

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