Nelson Mandela Essay

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South Africa has a long history with europe, the Dutch, Portuguese, and finally the British have controlled this land. The country is home to many different groups, from white to black. South Africa is a new country, liberated by the british in 1934. Its history has been dominated by white power and ignorance. When the british left in 1934, The White South Africans were placed in power puting in Apartheid. They separated blacks from whites and oppressed the african people. Many movements started the most famous being lead by a man named Nelson Mandela. Mandela was inspired by the peaceful protest of Mohandas Gandhi and implemented many of his teachings, to one day become south africa’s first black president.
Apartheid is a government system of segregation, apartheid literally means “the state of being apart”. The legislation has classified inhabitants into 4 racial groups Black, colored ,indian, and white. When the whites introduced Apartheid the black inhabitants were taken from their homes and forced to live in segregated neighborhoods, the government then deprived them of citize...

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