Negative Effects Of Planned Parenthood

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The Negative Effects of Defunding Planned Parenthood “When all services are counted equally, abortion procedures do account for 3 percent of Planned Parenthood’s total services,” writes the Washington Post. Defunding Planned Parenthood would mean no more affordable healthcare for those impoverished, no more affordable contraception and no more affordable medical treatment for various sexually transmitted diseases. Should affordable healthcare, that consistently saves lives, be taken away based on one procedure – abortion? Abortion makes up a very low percentage of Planned Parenthood’s services; therefore, the remainder of the services provided benefits both men and women. Planned Parenthood is widely known for being the number one provider of abortions in the United States, but Planned Parenthood clinics also serve to provide many other useful services to the communities in which they are located. They provide health services for everyone, both men and women, especially those living in economically disadvantaged areas. Without the …show more content…

Defunding Planned Parenthood will, at the least, result in the undiagnosed and untreated medical conditions of many and, at the most, result in the deaths of innocent people with no access to affordable healthcare and safe abortions. Additionally, Defunding Planned Parenthood will result in an increased burden on taxpayers who will be responsible for paying higher prices due to the increased use of emergency services by those whose most basic healthcare needs are not met. “If Planned Parenthood is forced to raise its prices for visits or birth control pills, it could lead to poor women not being able to afford the healthcare they need, which could also mean a greater burden on taxpayers’ who have to pay for heftier emergency medical bills down the road” (Curry). Do Americans really want to spend more tax dollars on healthcare than they already

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