Negative Effects Of Ecotourism

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Ecotourism, defined by the International Ecotourism Society (TIES) as “responsible travel to natural areas that conserves the environment, sustains the well-being of the local people and involves interpretation and education” has been one of the fastest growing industries since the 1990s (TIES). Due to climate change and human activities such as logging, fishing, hunting, and landscaping, conservation efforts are underway all over the world to preserve natural habitats and the wildlife living in them. National parks are the most common way to accomplish this, but one problem many national parks face is a lack of funding. Ecotourism aids these parks by providing them with up to 84% of funds needed. In popular destinations such as Costa Rica, tourism generates over two billion dollars a year (Turner). Ecotourism is a way for these tourists to experience the natural wonders of the country they are visiting while supporting locals and the environment. However, the system is far from perfect. Even though ecotourism can These flaws negatively change the breeding habits and behavior in wildlife. Negative effects extend to the local people as well, changing their lifestyles and culture. However, ecotourism can do worlds of good for the environment, if run properly. But change is possible. More education on proper tourist behavior, like refraining from flash photography, not littering, and keeping their distance from the animals, along with stricter regulations set up by the national parks, may be the key to fixing some of the problems in ecotourism today. Another positive step could be to give jobs to the local people working in these parks. This will not change everything, but it may be a step in the right direction. More research is needed on the subject, but when done correctly, ecotourism may make the difference between extinction and survival in wildlife communities

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