Environmental Observation: Deep Creek Conservation Park

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Environmental Observation The Deep Creek Conservation Park was full of wildlife and plants. Many people in the group saw lots of kangaroos and bird species that live in the area (See figure 8). We saw a few animal tracks on the camp as well which shows that the area is full of wildlife. While there the group also noticed some human impacts such as paths, long drops or other sustainable practices that humans have made to make the environment more sustainable in the long run. Although these practices were effective many small improvements could be made such as teaching people who use the park correct usage such as not feeding the animals. Other improvements that could be made could be things such as putting lights in the toilets so people can see or making paths easier to walk on. Group/Individual Reflection For the final paragraph of this report on how the group worked together and an individual reflection on myself will be looked at. The group that I worked with completed most tasks with a high level of responsibility with no major issues or injury’s occurring on the camp, each task was done efficiently and safely because we worked as a team to pitch tents and cook meals etc. I believe that I did most tasks well with only a few minor flaws in cooking safely. When looking at the knowledge of bushwalking people in my …show more content…

The reason for this is so everyone can stay safe on the camp without serious risk of injury. Before the camp some tasks the group had to do were give the school a copy of our route planner so that they knew where we were each day and knew where we were if something happened. The teachers also had to notify the park rangers so that the group knew of any re-routes and could plan for them in our route plans. This camp also had many risks that we talked briefly about before camp as a group, which can be seen in the Risk Management Sheet (Figure 4 and

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