Nazi Salute: A Brief History Of Adolf Hitler

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When you think of a salute, you think of the American salute, which symbolizes respect. There is one salute that everyone knows and hates and it is called the “Nazi Salute”.. This certain salute has haunted both Germany and the World since 1933. Have you ever heard of the Nazi Party? Adolf Hitler was the leader of that group. The salute can be performed at any time and by anyone. If Hitler was present, the salute was given with “Heil Hitler”. It was also given by postmen, department store clerks and was taught to children as they entered into kindergarten. . Today, a Nazi Salute is one of the most horrible gestures a human can ever do. Before the Nazis, a simple salute was a hand gesture to welcome a person or an important leader.
Usually a salute was performed to an important leader of a group such as Hitler or military personnel ( Beckett). Depending on which religion you are in, the salute will be performed differently just by simply changing the hand gestures. A salute can show respect or obedience towards the leader. One of the most famous salutes is our “ American Salute”.

The use of the salute was adopted in the 1930’s when a man named Adolf Hitler became the leader of the Nazi Party. The Nazi’s hated the Jews …show more content…

If you were seen doing this salute you could be sent to jail or even executed. Some countries consider the salute to be a crime such as Germany, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Austria. In Switzerland and Sweden the salute is illegal and considered hate speech. Still today most people believe that Hitler is a cruel and terrible man that should not be remembered, but there are still some people that think Hitler is divine. Most followers of Hitler are usually criminals, members of the Neo-Nazi movement or outsiders that do not fit in

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