Nazi Persuasive Essay

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Most often, hunting is defined as a sport; occasionally hunting will become a necessity for survival. However, there are those who hunt for a different prize, a Nazi. While numerous Nazis were prosecuted in Nuremberg, some managed to escape to sympathetic countries. Nearly seventy years after World War II has ended there are still those who wish to bring escaped Nazi’s to justice. Although some would wish to continue the search, the remaining Nazi’s living in secrecy should not be hunted down and prosecuted because it benefits no one and is best left alone. While some believe that bringing former Nazi’s to justice is a noble cause, it is a task where the negatives far outweigh the positives. Finding individuals that have remained hidden for …show more content…

Even if a suspected Nazi were to be found alive and tried, it would be difficult to come to a conviction. After seventy years, virtually all eyewitnesses have passed away, and most of the documentation destroyed or lost. Additionally, proving that an individual was guilty of a greater crime would be nearly impossible. It is safe to assume that those still alive would have been in their early 20’s during the war and had only been simple guards and low ranking officers, likely guilty of no greater crime. Considering all of these facts, it can be concluded that of the 4,000 names available, a fraction of them can be located, a fraction of those are still alive, and an even smaller fraction deserves to be tried. However, there are some who believe that those affiliated with the third reich in any way should continue to be hunted down. Those who desire most for the Nazi’s to face justice are the survivors of the holocaust. Martin Greenfield describes how he vowed to, “return and kill the [Nazi’s] wife”, after he escaped. This evidence of hatred, among the countless other cases, show the rightful feelings the …show more content…

It is no longer a necessity to hunt down 90 year old men for being products of their environment. If the hunt for ex-Nazi’s continues it will not be viewed as fixing the problem, but rather dwelling on a dark chapter that cannot be corrected but should serve to remind men of the horrors within

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