Nature Vs Nurture

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The topic of nature verses nurture is very controversial. One side argues that humans are the way they are due to how they are raised and the interactions they have throughout their childhood. This side also believes that the way parents raise their children has the greatest impact on who that child becomes later in life. The other side argues that people are the way they are due to the DNA they are born with. This side feels a person does not lose specific personality traits based upon pivotal life experiences. They believes those traits remain a dominant part of a person’s personality. The nature side feels everything in humans is pre-determined in DNA and genetic makeup. This is false. One aspect of this controversy is the debate …show more content…

“Whether or not a teenager takes up smoking is heavily influenced by whether or not his parents smoke” (Eberstandt). Parents are a huge factor, but not the only one. “The best predictor of whether a teenager will become a smoker is whether her friends smoke” (Eberstandt). If a teenager frequently hangs out with other teenagers that smoke, that teenager is more likely to join the trend. This is because children and teens are influenced so easily. In today’s society it can be very hard for teenagers to fit in. If the group of people a teenager is around smoke, the teen may join the trend just so they can be accepted into that particular social group. The teen is even more likely to join the trend if they have parents or guardians who smoke. If teens are surrounded by people smoking throughout their childhood, it becomes normal and the teens do not see it as a bad behavior. If children and teenagers are surrounded by smokers throughout their life, they are more likely to pick up the bad habit themselves. This is because their environment is influencing …show more content…

Children who move frequently are “…more likely to be rejected by their peers” (Eberstadt) and are also more likely to have “…behavioral problems and more academic problems than kids who have stayed put” (Eberstadt). This is due to the fact that the children become over-stimulated and have to constantly adjust to new environments. When a child is constantly being moved around and put into new schools, it becomes extremely hard for that child to make and keep friends. This is because they know that they will most likely be taken away from the new place soon and moved somewhere else. Children who do not have good social skills tend to suffer in society. A child without a continuous home may struggle to uphold the standards that society tends to set for

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