The Nature Vs. Nurture: Nature Vs. Parents

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For this first analytical essay, I have decided to have a go at analyzing the Nature Vs. Nurture using my own viewpoint as a sibling. No doubt this is a topic that has been debated to mental death already, but I think it is something I will benefit from thinking about. Also, at the end of my main topic, I will quickly address a topic brushed on in the book. For as long as I can remember, I have always had a sibling, and we have always been different. We are only seventeen months apart, and we have been raised by the exact same parents and have an identical gene pool at our hands (or rather cells). Yet we are so very different that people who have known us both always comment “The only thing you two share is looks!” For example, my sister …show more content…

I think that there is no fixed statistic. For instance, it isn 't sixteen percent genes and eighty four percent experience. I think it fluctuates between people. I might have thirty percent genes and seventy percent experience making who I am, while my sister may have forty percent genes and sixty percent experience making her personality. I think the reason identical twins are so similar in personality are because when they split in the womb, they already have their characteristics like hair color and any eye color in their genetic makeup, so why not their genetic trait and experience percentage? So while identical twins might be, for lack of a better word, identical, siblings will be similar but not carbon copies in terms of personality. I also think the personality genes you get will be either reinforced or pushed back as you get experience. If a empathic young boy is told by stern parents that “girly” sad feelings aren 't “manly” he will push back that empathic part of him that came through genetics and repress it. Hopefully he will realize one day that his parents social constructs put on him are illogical and go back to the empathic part of him, but the damage by experience could be done and

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