National Anthem Rhetorical Analysis

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In the 2016 NFL preseason, Colin Kaepernick caught the nation's attention by refusing to stand during the playing of the National Anthem. Thus began the debate and divide between what is "right" and "wrong". He claims to be sitting because he is protesting police brutality and social injustice in our country. People have been shocked and offended by his message and his way of going about it. Not only is he disrespecting the armed forces of this nation, but he is causing infuriation and division within the American people. Protests such as the one taking place with Kaepernick are abusing their right for freedom of speech and should be banned from the field of play in all sports in America to preserve the respect that is due. Not only is he spreading his dissent in an ineffective and counterproductive way, but he is also abusing his social platform by doing so. While his intentions may be strong, it may be hard for people to focus on the positive aspects when a great deal of problems is overshadowing his message. In the United States Code, Title 36, section 171, it describes the means that should be taken during the playing of our National Anthem: "During rendition of the national anthem when the flag is displayed, all present except those in (military) uniform should …show more content…

Not only is he causing great controversy and mass offense, but he is tearing this nation apart. Be that as it may, he continues to kneel. He continues to abuse his right for freedom of speech by disrespecting the people who have fought for those rights. Anger, contempt, and indignation are all feelings he has risen up in our country. The line has been crossed, and we need to address the issues he has created before they get worse. At this point, we could begin these innovations with the revision of the rules for the playing of the National Anthem at sporting events in an attempt to preserve the due

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