Nathan Drake Research Paper

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For Nathan Drake’s entire life, it has been tough. When he was only five years old his mother committed suicide and his father gave up custody to the state. He ended up in the Saint Francis Boys' Home, where he was raised by nuns and taught Latin. As he grew, he learned a great deal about the voyages of Francis Drake. By the time he was fifteen, this knowledge led him to Cartagena, Colombia, where the Maritime Museum was holding a Francis Drake exhibit. Included in the exhibit were Francis Drake's ring and astrolabe. Nathan's intention was to steal the ring, although he later stated that he was there to "reclaim" it, as it belongs in his family. While making preparations for the theft, he encounters both Victor Sullivan and Katherine Marlowe. Sullivan had been hired by Marlowe to steal the ring, and a confrontation ensues when both parties attempt their heists at the same time. After Marlowe …show more content…

If she won Nathan over, not only would she get her pay for the documentary but she might even try and clean Nathan out of his cut, too. Sully had never seen his young protégé fall so hard for someone and he knew that Nathan cared for her and Victor cared for Nathan so anyone that tried to do him harm really made him upset. He knew this was a change in Nathan because before, he spoke about how settling down would not be best for him since they traveled a lot but for whatever reason, this TV reporter had captured his heart. Presently, Nathan and Elena were in the waters off the coast of Panama. This location was supposedly where Sir Francis Drake was buried at sea four hundred years ago along with his treasure inside his coffin. After a day of searching, they were able to detect that something was clearly down in the bottom of the water. Nathan was currently dressing himself in the scuba diving gear, his heart pounding in his chest. He could not believe this was finally

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