Natasha Tretheway's Poem 'Incident'

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Natasha Tretheway’s Native Guard was published in 2006 and contains many poems about her childhood in the Deep South during the Civil War era. Her poem “Incident” tells a story that has seemingly been passed down in her family for generation. The poem can be interpreted to tell the story of the Ku Klux Klan burning a cross in the speaker’s yard. The variations in repetition that Tretheway uses throughout the poem shows that although the details of a story can change, the idea of racial intolerance prevails regardless of what version of the story is told. “Incident” consists of five quatrain stanzas. The lines in the poem are in pantoum form, with the second and fourth lines in the first stanza matching the first and third of the next stanza. Each stanza brings in a new …show more content…

The variations in repetition represent in inconsistencies that have been made as the story has been passed down. The first stanza begins by introduces the poem by saying, “We tell the story every year” (Tretheway, 41). The poem is told every year in different ways, but the point that the poem focuses on is the idea that no matter how the story is told, the theme of racial intolerance (represented by the Klan) is still continuing. The imagery used in the last line of the first stanza shows that something was burned in the yard. The cross is introduced in the second stanza as Tretheway writes, “at the cross trussed like a Christmas tree,” (41). We now have an image of the cross burning nearby. The simile between the tree and the cross indicates that they looked upon it in awe as if they were gazing at a lit Christmas tree. The Klan is introduced in the third stanza, “a few men gathered, white as angels in their gowns.” (41). Another simile between the men and angels shows that although what the men are doing is awful, they resemble angels. At this point in time, the speaker does not know what the Klan is or why they are burning the cross. After the stanza, there seems

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