Narrative Essay On A Trip To The Beach

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Over the summer I went on a trip to Virginia for 1 week. I was so excited that I finally got to go on a vacation to a beach because I hadn't been to one since 2013. But one thing that I wasn't looking forward to was the long 10 hour trip it took to get there. The drive to Virginia was actually not that bad. There was a lot of scenery that was so beautiful to look at since we drove mostly through mountainous areas. We drove for most of the day we left at about 11:00 am and got there at about 8: 30. I was so excited that we had finally made it and when I saw the ocean I was so happy! There was one drawback about getting there, it was dark and rainy, so my first impression wasn't as good as it could have been. That night I was so tired, but so overjoyed that I could hardly fall asleep and I ended up staying up for a long time. My sisters and I ended up waking up much earlier than my parents because we were so ready to go to the …show more content…

The wait had seemed like an eternity because I just wanted to see the ocean so bad! Once we has got to the beach I went straight to the water and instantly remembered all of the fun times that I had the last time I had gone to a beach. I had so much fun doing boogie boarding, collecting shells, and relaxing in the sand I never wanted to leave. Most of the days that we were in Virginia we were at the beach just doing the same things. And guess what, one day we even saw dolphins close to shore! The days that we didn't go to the beach we spent shopping at the long strip of stores that were right by the boardwalk. There were so many souvenirs at these shops I had a hard time deciding what I wanted to get.
On one of the last days we had decided to go do something in the area that wasn't the beach since there are so many things to go do or see. We ended up choosing a place called Nauticus. Nauticus was a super cool place that is mainly about the Battleship Wisconsin

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