Personal Narrative Essay: The Trip To Florida

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Impossible Journey The trip to Florida over Christmas break was unlike any other. Yes, most people would jump at the opportunity to go to Florida after a winter like we had up to that point. So, let me give you some background on why the trip. Back in July my mother in-law had an epileptic seizure that rendered her in a coma, she has not awoken from and the doctors are pushing to let her go. She has been moved 3 hours from my brother in-laws house to Georgia. Thanks to our lovely health care system, it was the only place available that could take care of her needs. Perfect timing kids are out of school and it is a good time to travel so you would think. I have been out of work …show more content…

That is where the fun begins making plans before you know all the details moving by faith.. Traveling with a large family takes extra planning, meals are a big deal as well as lodging. So, we try to combine them where we can. Does the place have a kitchenette? or will they allow us to use a crock pot? what is the max number of occupants allowed in a room? (most places will not let more than 4 people stay in a room), does the hotel serve breakfast and is there laundry services available? These are thing we take into consideration to stretch that vacation dollar. The trip adviser gives an estimation of 15 hours. We plan for 4 nights Monday night through Thursday night to stay in a hotel. Going over every detail and asking are we sure. So, we start looking up hotels in the area close to my wife’s brother. When we put in how many guests, the price doubles as well when we ask about pets. We make reservations at the Navy Lodge at NAS (Naval Air Station) Jacksonville 2 adjoining. Rooms, but No pets, other arrangements are made. We sit down and figure out how much it will take to make this Journey. This where faith kicks in, not knowing and still pushing forward. By the time we left all funds were provided by family and friends who had it placed on their hearts to help us through a tough situation. This assured us with the answered prayer and …show more content…

the morning after Christmas, up and ready to go, yeah right teenagers. Everyone filed down to the van to do the last-minute packing. I’m trying to help, but instead I’m getting in the way of the master packer. She claims I’m as bad as the kids when it comes to a road trip. The last bag is in place, kids are seated blankets and pillows strewn over the back of the van, the dog on her perch on the center console between my wife and I, the kids are ready to go back to sleep. 5:15 am out of the driveway, we move down the road our Journey has

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