Understanding the NAEP Reading Framework and NCLB Act

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The National Assessment of Education Progress (NAEP) Reading Framework defined reading as a dynamic cognitive process that allows the reader to understand written text, interpret meaning, and use meaning according to the type and purpose of the text (U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, 2011). The NAEP report revealed “The Condition of Education 2011, in 1992, 29% of fourth graders, 29% of eighth graders, and 40% of twelfth graders were reading at proficient or above proficient levels (Aud, Hussar, Kena, Bianco, Frohlich, Kemp, & Tahan, 2011). To address this problem, the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB) stipulates that each child should receive a quality public school education and holds each state …show more content…

The interactivity provided by computer technology is useful in that it helps struggling readers for a variety of reasons. For example, there is always a lack of basic word reading and fluency skills for many struggling readers. These skills are needed to access grade level material (Higgins & Raskind, 2005; Manset-Williamson et al., 2008). Accordingly, the struggling reader does not have access to the material. The application of computer technology in classroom with the purpose of improving deficient reading skills provides the struggling reader with access to the material used for teaching comprehension skills (Higgins & Raskind, 2005; Manset Williamson et al., 2008). In the meantime, struggling readers who read with little comprehension need word reading and fluency skills mostly to read passages (Higgins & Raskin, 2005; Oakhill, Cain, & Bryant, 2003). The provision of visual and auditory presentation, or bi-modal presentation, of the information leads to an improvement in reading comprehension skills can be improved …show more content…

For instance, The Illinois Proficient Showing Models (2010) demonstrate that a skilled instructor will utilize innovation in the classroom to address students needs, fulfill instructional destinations, and improve students learning. Moreover, educators are relied upon to fuse an assortment of innovation and computerized age media and organizations to help students in taking care of issues and building new information in connected with learning situations. This desire for schools and instructors to consolidate innovation into the training procedure is likewise commanded by a part of NCLB, the Improving Instruction Through Innovation Demonstration of 2001 (EETT) (2002). The essential objective of the EETT "is to enhance students scholastic accomplishment using innovation in grade schools and optional schools" (2002, Sec. 2402(b)(1)). In this way, schools ought to utilize innovation to show perusing abilities to students, and bolster students obtaining of data when perusing to learn. To be fruitful in this attempt, instructors must have the capacity to effectively coordinate the fitting apparatus with the best instructional method to accomplish learning destinations (Sun Partners, 2010). In any case, to begin with, different classes of innovation combination for tending to perusing abilities must be

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