My Writing Goals

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As a student of Writing 101, I find my goals to all be very similar in that I look to be bettering my skills. Throughout high school, my teachers prepared me the best they could for college writing, but I believe I still have a lot to work on. I would like to develop a better sense of writing with purpose, writing pieces with awareness to how it could be affecting the reader. Being able to analyze reading with ease as well as connecting pieces of writing to real world event is a skill I find to be helpful. Becoming a better research writer is another goal of mine, wanting to be able to write a long extended report without being repetitive. Which also follows my goal of wanting to use more reliable technological as well as physical sources to add as well as benefit my research writing. I also believe that I want to be able to understand how and when to use APA formatting and the differences compared to MLA format which I grew accustomed to …show more content…

I view this as a long-term goal because it’s something that I want to continue to work towards and grow in confidence. It was easy going through high school sitting in the back of the class not joining group discussions being my timid self even if I had a lot to say. Easy to skip peer and teacher editing conferences because I was so worried as to what others thought because I lacked the confidence in my writing as well as in myself. Through Writing 101 I think with the many discussions that may occur throughout the semester, I’ll grow in confidence putting my two cents in here and there. Understanding that participation is a part of my grade it’ll push me out of my comfort zone, but it will also help me work on the goal of speaking and writing with confidence. Feeling that I want to do well in my classes, I’m ready to discuss my work with my professors, accepting my mistakes and what I’ll need to improve

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