My Writing Experience

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In a developing mind, such as a child’s mind, reading and writing should be a fundamental part in their life. Being able to read and write is the gateway to learning other subjects such as math and science, because without the skill of being able to read and write, nothing else would make any sense. Personally, in my own experiences, I was always prefer reading and writing over math and science because when I was younger I had quite an imaginative brain and a good way to express that was through reading and writing. I believe that since I had more opportunities to read and write rather than math and science during my childhood lead me to be better at reading and writing. I have memories of reading and writing being a part of my childhood life …show more content…

Out of all of the assignments that I remember from elementary school, this was one of my all time favorite assignments because there was no right or wrong way to create our stories, we could just let our imaginations spill onto the page. I am fortunate enough to have been given the opportunity of going to school and was expected to succeed, because people such as Sherman Alexie, which whom I mentioned earlier, were not given the opportunities to go to school or were being pushed to succeed. Sherman Alexie describes his struggles as a Native American child in his article when he says, “As Indian children, we were expected to fail in the non-Indian world. Those who failed were ceremonially accepted by other Indians and appropriately pitied by non-Indians. I refused to fail” (Alexie, pg 30). Reading about his struggle makes me appreciate what has been provided for me, like the opportunity to create that journal. As a result of enjoying that assignment so much, I continued writing in my free time. My mother used to have an old computer, the kind that seemed to weigh a ton, that she lent to me when I requested for it. Writing small paragraphs about whatever I felt like writing about was a great way for me to express myself and I think that it impacted both my reading and writing abilities

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