Wide Awake

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Wide Awake

Growing up I counted myself as one of the lucky few in the world who was blessed with a mother who not only encouraged the idea of reading and writing; but she also showed me how much fun reading and writing could be no matter what I was reading or writing about, From her reading me stories at bedtime or from me telling myself stories in order to entertain myself when I was restless or bored. When I decided to build upon my love for reading and writing at the age of five years old that was also when I discovered that anybody who was famous they had great respect and reverence for the art of spoken and written word because I believed they knew that to make a real difference in this world they had to change their way of doing things and they also had to fully acknowledge and embrace the power that possessing the ability to read and write would give them in reaching their target audience. But they did not stop at just learning the required material they also applied their newfound gift and tried to make life better not only for themselves but also for the people around them and for future generations. I have always had this wish that I could one day rendezvous with at least some of these historical figures that I have always wanted to emulate and maybe I could ask them their experiences and how they survived in such a harsh and unforgiving world such as ours.
I really believe that reading and writing not only paved the way for the influential figures that we study, read, and write about in school but this right of passage that many of us take for granted today opened up their eyes to a whole new world and gave them the determination, and resilience to do more than what that new world was demanding of them in the face ...

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I believe that reading and writing should not only be done to receive a good grade or because a teacher tells you to but you should tackle it like most journeys, because it begins with a single step and they both need to be practiced daily and also both appreciated and respected and on as a trial students need to overcome or as a punishment but as a creative outlet for the mind. I know for me I hope that my love affair with the spoken and written word and my love of books only gets deeper and more involved as I get older and move up in the world because I understand that we need to have many skills in order to accomplish anything in the world that we live in today and the more goals that we achieve in our life whether they be professional or personal the better we will feel about ourselves and how we look at the world around us will also change for the better.

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