My Virtual Children: My Personal Development Of A Virtual Child

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Virtual Child Paper

Bringing a child into the world can be a very exciting moment, filled with lots of emotion. However, raising that child will come with many responsibilities and decision making. It can be stressful as parents go through the ups and downs of raising a child, but it can also be a memorable experience as we watch our child go through various stages of development. I thought that being a parent would come with its obstacles, but that it would be an exciting experience to raise a child to adulthood. Every child has a temperament and certain characteristics that we as parents, have to adapt to. My Virtual Child, Jill, at first, was difficult to soothe down when upset, mostly cautious and shy when around new people, and has a secure attachment (My Virtual Child). Raising Jill, I had to make several adjustments due to my personal relationship with my spouse and the economy always changing. This had an effect on Jill’s development, but I always did what I felt was best for her. Jill was a quick learner at a young age; she scored above average or average for skills such as gross motor, …show more content…

My Virtual Child didn’t have very many challenges and was proud to see her development from infant to adulthood. I felt as a virtual parent, I was confident in the decisions I made and always did what I felt was best for my Virtual Child. I let her have some freedom and do what interest her, but at the same time was able to discipline her when needed. My ideas about parenting were somewhat accurate; I was able to put up with the child’s temperament; I was able to deal with the challenges that came with parenting; and I raised a well-developed child that I’m proud of. Raising a child, parents have to be willing to make sacrifices, take on lots of responsibilities, and have good decision making because the child relies on their parents more than anyone

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