My Virtual Child Assignment

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The purpose of this assignment is to answer the questions in regards to the Virtual Child I raised up to the age of 8 months given specific scenarios to answer. This in turn, gave me a progress report of how my Virtual Child was doing through the Bayley Scales of Infant Intelligence and Observations at 9 months. I will answer how his eating, sleeping, and motor developmental patterns compares to the typical developmental patterns. I will also explain his classic temperance as well as his attachment relationships and any areas that might or might not have affected his attachment securities. I will refer to the Virtual Child as “Kieran” throughout this assignment to answer the above questions. After eight hours of labor, Kieran’s birth ended in a C-section as he went into distress. His Apgar score was a 7-8 and when he would cry I would lactate so I choose to breastfeed. For the first week, Kieran wasn’t very hungry and lost a little weight, however he began to feed heartily. Kieran would only sleep two hours at a time and, sometimes became fussy and difficult to soothe when taking a nap. At three months, Kieran was more awake than most babies and seemed to be in constant motion. He preferred people over objects and was able to focus his eyes on me and study my face as well as with others. He began to show more intense interest in his “These infants were usually happy and cheerful, tented to adjust well to new situations, and followed regular routines for eating, sleeping and toileting,” (Chess & Thomas,1986; Thomas Chess, & Birch, 1968). Referring to Kieran’s report, he readily adapted to the new people and situations in the pediatrician’s office making eye contact, smiling and vocalized to them quite a bit. Based on his behavior raising him through the Virtual Child, it was noted again that he smiles and interacts with nearly everyone and was able to

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