My Search For Dietitians: The Profession Of Dietetics

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III. My Search for Dietitians
The Profession of Dietetics
The most common belief and practice of dietetics is that nutrition is the most important factor in order to live a full and happy life according to The Profession of Dietetics written by June Payne-Palacio and Deborah D. Canter. Nutrition is crucial for overall wellbeing and health. The profession of dietetics is a dietitian, dietitians study diets and nutrition. They find the most effective diet for an individual person and work with that person until they are at the healthy or desired lifestyle. Dietitians will work with several different categories of people. The most common is sports nutrition. Dietitians are predicted to be one of the fastest growing professions in America. Dietetics …show more content…

They normally work in hospitals, colleges, nursing homes, public schools, correctional facilities, airlines, and restaurants. They work with individuals who are looking to lose weight, gain weight, or improve their wellness. Some people get the help from a dietitian without even knowing it. As in school lunches. Usually, schools have a dietitian come and help them choose cheap and healthy school lunches that their students can buy during lunch time. Other times, dietitians will be hired for correctional facilities. They provide knowledge for the prisoners and help them understand what they will need to be consuming in order to maintain the health that they want and need. They often work with ex-drug and alcohol addicts, which will get them healthy after they have detoxed. This keeps them in shape and they have a lesser of a chance of relapsing. They either work with these patients in a hospital, jail, or prison, or a mental institution. Dietitians are trained to empathize with their patients and create a substantial learning environment. Although, there are dietitians who do not work with individual patients. Instead, they work in an office and provide expert nutrition information for food television shows, or even magazines and newspapers. This is necessary for …show more content…

The dietitian will use food and nutrition to try and cure the diseases. Often it will help a tremendous amount. The dietitian will work with alternative and herbal remedies to help prevent and treat different diseases. The dietitian’s goal is to cure different conditions with the use of food and herbal remedies, rather than prescription pills and harmful chemicals that could in the long run, harm the body even more. Dietitians that work with these patients have to be calm during their practices, “these specialties involve high-pressure work environments and long hours that demand leadership, assertiveness, and career commitment from the dietetic professional” (28). They will also create a personal relationship with their patient in order to make the patient more comfortable and open up to them because in most cases, the patient is coming to the dietitian for weight problems. If they are overweight or underweight, the dietitian will try to help them become comfortable in their own body before they make any drastic changes. It makes the process easier. It can also make the process easier by creating a relationship with their patients. If the patient thinks of the dietitian as their friend, they will most likely think of it as just conversing rather than confessing. In all honesty, it is hard to open up to people, especially if you have dealt with body image issues your whole

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