My Passion Of Reading

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“Why do you read all the time?” This question has been commonly asked in the past and I still find it repeated even now as I have entered college. Even though I have been ridiculed for reading too much, it has never stopped me from continuing my passion of reading literature. Reading brings out my imagination, creativity, curiosity, patience, and other valuable qualities. I am a firm believer that the more you read, the more you are expanding your imagination. As a young girl, I would always see my grandfather read some type of literature whether it was a new novel, newspaper, or even the back of a cereal box. When I was 12, my grandfather handed me a book called The Boy in the Striped Pajamas and told me to read and finish the book by end of the week. When he said this, I was distraught. At the time, I hated reading and I found it as a chore. I was the type of person who would not read more than a few pages or be the one who would rather watch the movie rather than spending numerous hours finishing the book. Whenever I saw someone reading, I would always think it looked too time consuming and unproductive. I had no interest in partaking my grandfather’s arduous request. Over the course of the first two days, I would look at the book from afar and question to myself …show more content…

Books have made me who I am today. These stories fire my imagination and for a little while, let me live in that world. In the world of story. In a number of pages, the story evolves into the way I think. A side effect of reading many books is ending up with a large vocabulary. Words nurture my creativity. Being able to communicate my ideas allows me to have confidence in them and when I have confidence in them, I have a strong foundation to explore my imagination. Reading alone is something more abstract and boring. All information is hidden under words. Using imagination, I can dig out special the meaning the writer

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