The Great Gatsby Movie Vs Book Essay

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From J.K. Rowling’s “Harry Potter” to F. Scotts Fitzgerald “The Great Gatsby”, there is no doubt that books and movies have portrayed different views due to the loyalty of its fans. Reading a book is not the easiest task in the world and has nothing to do with the ability to concentrate, but has to do with whether or not the book is of personal interest. Movies tend to be a hit and miss on whether it was enjoyable or not. Perhaps, unlike books, movies cannot be picked up and put down when the time is convenient, as a book can, and is bound by the visualization of a director and his resources. Reading a book can be either quite boring or exciting depending on the genre. For some, action books are best enjoyed through large screenings with a daring orchestrated soundtrack blaring from the surround sound speakers. All the while, romance books can be read and relished …show more content…

Not only does reading expand a person’s vocabulary but it also mentally prepares them. I find that books when reading in a semi-quiet atmosphere with a cup of tea can become intriguing by being enhanced by my surroundings. Books serve as a mental stimulation and can be an activity for your brain to engage in itself, preventing it from losing its necessary power. Stress reduction, memory improvement, and critical thinking skills all can be the product of reading a book. However, even reading one page of a boring history book can put me to sleep. Seeing the actual Battle at Bunker Hill for 12 dollars on screen seems tempting to most students trying to pass the quiz and not actually read the assignment. These are the reasons why books are slowly being put down to rest and demanded to be produced digitally. When Harry Potter appeared to be a boy wearing round glasses accompanied by a duo containing a hot-headed boy and a curly haired girl-genius, then of course movies would be the typical winner in the battle of visual representation in the media

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