My Most Memorable Writing Experience

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As a student I have written for many classes and sometimes as an escape from reality, writing has taught me how to develop my thinking and articulate my words before I speak because the worst thing is speaking before you speak cause words stay forever. Writing has given people a way to express their thoughts through nonverbal forms that can be interpreted and carried through the ages. My writing experience started like many others with the simple English letters, and then forming words, next was forming simple sentences and finally full papers. All these lessons lead up to my most memorable writing experiences, which was a writing assignment for a creative writing course in high school. Writing for my creative writing course gave the opportunity to write a continuous story all year with turning in our work periodically. Throughout the year I wrote a story about containing many complex relationships between the characters as they would solve problems I took many of my ideas from movies and I created a story where the characters had seen movies before in their lives for instance the story starts out with a flash back of the main character James watching the film Resident Evil he leaves the film with his friends and they are talking about what actions they would take during the zombie …show more content…

I write everyday sometimes by hand other time by electronic as a text message to friends or an email to professors to ask questions about assignments. My most memorable writing was for a creative writing course in high school but writing will continue to change my understanding on life an teach me how to improve my diction and grammar skills. My history of writing will be forever changing because I will continue to write to better myself and get my word out to those who want it being reports for the military or research for Physics writing will

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