My Mentor: A Short Story

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I've been asked numerous times through the last 10 months who my mentor is. I've stared back blankly many times, and have said I don't have a mentor. I've asked myself numerous times what is a mentor? Think, think think. I've tried to wrap my head around this whole mentor question. I guess a mentor according to people is someone famous, someone to look up to, someone to fan over. Well I don't fan, I can't even name a celebrated besides Britaney spears and that's only cause I used to run around in my dipper gripping her cd back in the day. I wanted to be just like her with her cute little belly button ring and long blonde hair that always looked untammed . But back to this mentor thing. I'm supposed to write it on someone I've been watching …show more content…

I've been told this face comes over me hmmm I believe they call it rbf? Resting bitch face, yup I got it. Oops! So mentor. Right. Well sorry to disappoint but I don't have a mentor. I have family, friends, classmates, boyfriend,people,clients. I have me and a mirror. I can sit here and ramble on who makes a good mentor what makes a bad mentor but that would just be boring and plan obviouse. When I first started school I had closet full of black cloths, unbrused long curly hair, I hadn't picked up a …show more content…

I thank you because you always told me the sky is the limit, even if you wanted me to be a dr, lawyer anything but a hairdresser, cause if you hadn't made me fight like hell for this I would have never pushed myself. I would have given up. I sat in a ice cold classroom with mirrors surrounding us, I sat with 17 girls all dressed in black, 17 girls who I would soon learn that they had a story. Some good, some bad, some who had been dragged thru hell and back. I would learn that girls are bitches, and I can't understand why. We all came wanting the same thing so why not work hard together? But anyway each person who set foot in my life has left a mark, or a learning expirence, that I will now carry with me. I watched every single classmate grow around me I watched them bloom like a May flower. I learned from them I grew with them, they are all mentors in some shape or form.To me a mentor isn't someone famous , someone you can't touch, or talk to, a mentor is all around you. A mentor isn't perfect a mentor is flawed, we are all flawed. We all have the chance to influence each other. As school went on I got quitter I learned to look and not speak. I learned that actions are stronger then

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