My Job Experience: My Work Experience At Exim Bank

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For my work experience I had gone to Exim Bank.
Day 1; - On the first day of work experience, I was received by the manager, who took me to the bank. As soon as I arrived, the staff welcomed me and introduced themselves to me. In the same way, I introduced myself to them. Next, I had to go to the assistant manager’s office and she explained what I would learn and do in my week long course. On my first day, I worked with Victoria in the customer care department. She demonstrated how to enter the cheque in the system. Additionally, she displayed how to use the core banking system. More importantly, she showed me how to scan the cheques and add them to the system. As time passed by, Victoria gave me pile of cheques to enter in the system while she went for her late lunch. When she reappeared at three o ‘clock, she was gleeful with my work. Finally, when there was no more work, she talked to me and gave me pointers on what I had to do in order to do this job in the future. As we talked time passed by and the bank closed.
Day 2; - This was my second day working at Exim Bank. As usual, I was received by the manager. As soon as, I arrived I met the staff and we had a meeting about how we could improve the work ethics in the bank. This was also very interesting because I got to contribute some ideas. When …show more content…

I gave it a thought and figured that it was work experience week so I should be productive, so I dressed up and went to work with my father. I arrived at my dad’s place at eight o’clock and went back home at seven o’clock. During the day I ran some errands and helped the secretary in receiving calls and many more. In the end, my father showed me how to enter parts prices into the system, which took me half a day to learn. When my day ended, I looked up the workshop and returned home with my

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