My Greatest Achievement

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My Greatest Achievement My greatest achievement took place when I was in eighth grade. It was when I became a master of the basics of Karate. It was when I had received my first degree black belt. I had taken Martial Arts for nine years before that and I was very excited to had finally gotten it. I was a third degree red belt when I became devoted toward reaching my goal of the black belt. Witnessing all of my fellow students receive black belts before me was even more motivating. They had all been a higher belt than me at the time. I pushed forward, continuing my training. I wanted my goal more and more. I would instruct a class everyday before I actually fell into my own class. I would tell my students to keep trying hard and keep their will power up. I wanted them to feel the same way I did about reaching for the same goal in which I was achieving. I would treat my students with discipline and respect, they would return attitude showing they have discipline and respect. Each day, in every exercise I would partake in, I would show a hundred and ten percent just to show my master that I was ready. After about two years of more training he told me I was ready. I was training for the actual black belt test held in Tiajuana, in front of Mr. Norris himself. He is the president of our federation. I was breaking boards, performing kata¹s, and sparring freestyle for hours. I was training three times during the school week including Saturdays as well. I had become more interested and understanding about martial arts. Finally, I had it down. I was completely ready for whatever the judges would throw at me. I had my board breaking kata down, the regular eleven katas down, my own custom katas down, and was ready to fight whoever I had to fight. The pressure of standing in front of so many skillful fighters was amazing. Just standing in front of them made me determined not to mess up and to do my best. After all, I didn¹t want to make a fool of myself. I pushed on with great success throughout the test. I had passed all the individual segments, until sparring started. I fought well the entire time. I made it to the final bout.

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