My Grandpa Research Paper

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My ability as a leader, my strength of faith, and my stubbornness come from my Grandpa. My Grandpa has shaped my life in various ways, whether he was praising or disciplining me. Some of my favorite memories of all time are of the times I spent with my grandpa. I called him “Pap”. He loved me dearly and spoiled me rotten. One of my earliest memories of him was when he would take me golfing. I would sit in his lap and steer the cart. He would also let me hit a ball when I wanted to. It did not matter who he was playing with, he would always take me along with him. I would also take his putter and putt whenever I wanted, even if we were not on the green. I remember how good the coke out of the old machine would taste after we played a round of golf. Then we would snack or picnic on whatever he brought that day. I still have the little plaque his friends made him when he hit a hole in one on a par 4. (Only problem was his first ball had gone out of bounds when I distracted him by nearly bumping him with a golf cart). Pap and I loved to play golf. I like to think that …show more content…

It did not matter who made them, I always got what I wanted. It helped since he was the preacher at the church. I was the twinkle in his eye is what all the old ladies would say. Leading people have always been a struggle for me, being shy and under spoken it is difficult for me to get in front of crowds and talk, one thing that motivates me is remembering this memory. Pap is my role model; he has always been there for me. I look up to my Grandpa and one day I want to be just like him. Whether he is preaching or teaching, he is confident in everything he does. Being a leader means more to me than just having a title or recognition, being a leader is an honor. I want to become the leader my pap was, strong, independent, faithful, stubborn, and most of all

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