My Life Of Becoming A Firefighter

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Becoming A Firefighter As a child, I spent a lot of time with my great uncle. My grandfather had passed away when I was very young, and my great uncle stepped into the role of sergeant elder. From him, I learned many other things a growing country boy needs to know. He taught me to hunt and fish, and my memory of my time with him are as vivid now as when I was a kid. I remember going out on his boat to check the trot lines. I can still close my eyes and feel the wind blowing in my face and smell the fish and lake water. My great uncle influenced much of my young life, and ultimately inspired me to follow in his footsteps. Perhaps, I should say bunker boot steps, he was a firefighter. That is what made me the person I am today. I knew I wanted to be a firefighter, just like him. I watched television about firefighters, read books and anything else I could learn about firefighting. My mom let me go with my great uncle on a tour at the firefighter museum. I got to see all sorts of different fire engines and gear. There were so many heroes on the walls that I couldn’t read about all of them. It was a moment with my great uncle that I will never forget. I thought it was amazing and it just fueled the fire that was in me to pursue my passion. …show more content…

It is the best way that I can help people and the way I can take care of my community. Firefighting is an adrenaline rush. I began my journey the same way most people do. I went to work for a volunteer fire department. I began by helping my fellow firefighters until I learned to do things on my own. I attended two classes at night and weekends it was a lot of hard work that required me to be away from my family. In the end, I believe it was all worth it. When I finished all my training and classes, I began to feel a lot more comfortable around the fire

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