My Grandfather: The Terminal Stage Of Brain Cancer

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The day that my mom told me my grandfather might have cancer, was very surprising to me. I had never at any point considered anything bad happening to my family not to mention him. He was my best friend from the day I was born. He generally appeared to be so healthy and upbeat. When she let me know he was going to get tested at the hospital it frightened me even more knowing that there was a possibility of never seeing him again..

A couple of weeks later, we found out my grandfather had the terminal stage of brain cancer. This had been one of the worst news we had found out. He was sent to the hospital to get treated for his cancer. It all had come so unexpectedly. It took me and the rest of my family awhile for it to all sink in. My mom was gone every day with all her sisters for different amounts of time visiting him, taking care of him. He lived in Turlock also so it was not that hard for our family to go visit him. Although he lived near we had to cope with my mother being gone all the time. But it was necessary for all of us to try to help him the best way we could even though the cancer was …show more content…

He would show signs of improvement marginally, and after that he would get much worse than before. He was exchanged between nursing homes and hospitals what appeared like consistently. We constantly prayed for his health and hoped for the best. One day, we were advised my grandpa was never going to leave the hospital which hurt every one of us a great deal. He was never going to show signs of improvement from what the doctor’s told us. And I could not help but think about him being gone. I was always at his house hanging out with him. The one chance I could visit him at Emanuel Medical Hospital I was not permitted to visit on the grounds that I had a cold. No germs could associate with him. He turned out to be so sick, he just weighed around 10 pounds more than me. It was extremely intense for every one of us, particularly

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