My First Day As A Teaching Assistant (TA)

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I am a very introverted person, had no serious thought about becoming a professor or teaching in the future and did not know what I was getting myself into when emailing you about the course. I only knew that it was a great opportunity and that despite my introversion and social anxiety I was to try my hardest to become part of the team. After the first meeting I knew this class would help and force me to grow – I have yet to be proven wrong. My first day as a teaching assistant (TA) was surprisingly exciting – eye contact still mildly difficult, but helping others flowed naturally. The amount of gratitude received from these students for aiding them in the simplest task was endearingly heart-warming. It was difficult when I came across things I did not know; not because I felt inadequate but because I genuinely wanted to help but couldn’t. The students are great and seeing them understand something makes …show more content…

The quote entailed that everyone is a student and teacher. It further highlighted the attitude a professor I have this semester has as he teaches; an attitude instilled with passion and happiness. In this subject the professor successfully directs his passion onto myself and other students. He displays that there is more to teaching and learning than a required curriculum and tests – it is sharing, guiding, clarifying, providing, assisting, and caring. Caring about, not the subject, but capturing ones’ mind - within this chaotic, highly structured world and allowing it to break free through this “medium” called teaching. Whether it be Statistics, Imperial Russian History, Animal Behavior, or philosophy – showing students that through any of these there is more to a subject than a grade, a topic; there is perspective and knowledge and the ability for ones individuality to grow and gain from

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