My Field Trip To The Southern Catholic Church

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My Field Trip Growing up, this student was raised in the Southern Baptist denomination. Church services were every Wednesday, Sundays, and during times of revival Monday through Friday.
Driving to church, we always drove past the Catholic Church on the corner of our street. The statue of the Virgin Mary with her serene demeanor standing in front of the church always intrigued this student. That is why this student’s field trip was to attend St. Oliver Plunkett Catholic church within the community.
Waking up at 7:00 a.m. to attend the 8:00 a.m. service was a bit early for a Sunday morning. However after walking outside to 60 degree weather, sunshine, and fresh dew on the grass, it begin to feel like a great morning for worship. …show more content…

There was a large stain glass window with a picture of the cross, in brown, with yellow, purples, and finally blue surrounding it like rays of light. Right beneath the window was rock garden that had plagues, crosses, and flowers which memorialized members of the church who had passed. Around the corner to the entrance of the church, a priest robed in green stood greeting the parishioner’s as they entered. On the left was a statue of Jesus holding a small child which was dedicated to a former priest that they called Daddy Joe. The courtyards and the architecture designs certainly created a serene and peaceful atmosphere conducive to …show more content…

On either side of him were two more young men carrying the sacramental candles. Behind them followed the Priest in his green robe, the deacon in a long white robe and a green sash, along with other few other parishioners. The Priest began the services with a recited prayer that everyone read. He welcomed us to the twenty eighth Sunday in ordinary time which is the “largest season of the Liturgical Year” ("Catholic Culture : Ordinary Time : Workshop : What Is Ordinary Time?," n.d.). He told a joke about us being the bus driver, then gave several scenarios, where we thought we needed to keep up with the number of the people on the bus. At the end of the joke, he asked us what the bus driver’s name was. He ask all who didn’t know to sit down, which was half of the congregation. So of course, the bus driver’s name was our own. Having said this, he began to talk about the baby being named during baptism and importance of a name. He talked about how God knew each of our names and asked if we knew His. The Priest also told the story of the wealth young man in the bible who was diligent to obey all the Jewish laws but was not willing to give up his wealth to have his name written in the Lamb’s book of Life. The point to the message was to know God on a personal level, to put him first,

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