My English Writing Class Reflected My Writing Experience

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“Writing” some people get headache, some people will find it very interesting. For me, I am not afraid of writing, but I am afraid of writing in English. Because English is my second language, even though I have some experience with writing in China. It still can be very hard for me. When I found out I had to take a English writing course, I was not looking forward to it. Most of the sentences I read are hard for me to understand. My composing strengths are that I have more experience writing in China, which I could not use it to write in English. I thought I was not ready for this class. However, when I had finished the English writing course I realized that I could be a writer; not only for essays, but also for other styles as well. I was so surprised. Now I enjoy writing in English. …show more content…

I had to rewrite it three times, and each of those times, I wrote three pages. In all, I wrote nine pages. During this project, I wrote and revised my essay many times. Sometimes I would write until midnight. I would think that my essay would finally be good, and I would submit it to my teacher. But I still didn't pass. I was very frustrated with it. By the fourth time, I tried again and passed. The result was not as great as I expected. However, I feel that I really learned a lot from this experience. While I did not do as well as I had hoped, I still think that it was a good experience. It showed me a lot about persistence, confidence, and belief, and I will remember it

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