My Education Journey Essay: An Educational Journey

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An Educational Journey “Knowledge is power. Information is liberating. Education is the premise of progress, in every society, in every family” (Strong n.p.). Anywhere a person goes, there are people demanding that people have a certain level of education. This makes wanting to get into a certain profession hard to do. By going to schooling you can get yourself and education, but by no means necessary do you get an education by going to school. But the question lies in how you go about achieving both them, and increase in learning. There are times when you can get some school, but the education does not fully come. This could be from the lack of teachers, or the encouragement that you get. It also lies in how much enthusiasm that you put …show more content…

A diploma is just a piece of paper, and no matter how many people will try to say otherwise; there is nothing they can say that will prove otherwise. A diploma or degree can only say that you completed a certain task, or classes, but what matters is how it is applied. In trade schools they claim that they will help you get leads for a job, but I believe otherwise. After I had completed the tasks that would get me the diploma under their standards, I still felt I didn’t have a full understanding of how to do the things I had supposedly learned. Classes while attending were so fast I don’t think that there is time for me to learn. Knowledge can only be retained if it is used repeatedly, or used on a daily basis. Paulo Freire writes, “... filed away through lack of creativity, transformation, and knowledge in this (at best) misguided system.” (Freire n.p.). This was exactly how I felt with the schooling that I received. Freire later wrote, “… when they find themselves unable to use their facilities, people suffer” (Freire). Based on this I felt as if the education that I receive hindered my abilities to fully be able to do the things I have …show more content…

It was also at this time when I planned to transfer to Cal State University San Marcos using the plan ‘B’, but there was something that would be coming up later that semester in which my decisions on what school to attend would make another sudden change. The changes in the place I would like to be able to transfer to came to me as I was in my ‘Intro to Computer Science: JAVA I’ class. It was here when it was mentioned that University of Southern California was one of the best schools for game programming. I was looking into it, but felt as if I could not get into that school. Some of the main factors that made me decide that was that I was not going to have the grades I should have to get into that school; secondly they did not follow the plan ‘C’ transfer plan. They had their own type of plan which would practically nullify all the classes that I have taken already, including the ones I currently am working

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