My Defining Moment

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Although I don't want certain moments in my life to define my life and who I am, I have no control over that happening. Most of these moments were like a shot in my heart, but the others helped heal those wounds. I abhor having pity on myself, but there comes a time when I need to look back and remember each and every event that has impacted my life. I am not ashamed or mad about anything that has happened in my life. These events are what have structured the wonderful personality and life that I have today. Even the worst times in my life have changed things for the better. My mother and father split up when I was very young. I don't even have a memory of what happened or when I noticed we were no longer together. This made my life different from others. I had to adapt to being away from my father and being away from my mother because she had to work. I had to mature at a young age because of the lack of children in my household. My mother and I are a team and I had to learn how to be independent and help her out by understanding she is always doing her best. This made me realize that our imperfect household and lifestyle was just a speed bump in to road leading us to an amazing destination. …show more content…

Many times, I have felt sorry for myself because my family was not like the rest. I wanted to be the family with a happy mother and father. I wanted to be the daughter that had help from her parents on math problems or sat at a table every night for a family meal. After time went on, I knew that this was no setback. I was not the only one going through a situation like this. There was no way I would let this hamper with my future any longer. Through my independence, excellent grades, and hard work in dance, I received remuneration in the form of self-satisfactory for everything I could accomplish on my

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