My Defining Moment

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I am strong. I wasn’t always, but through my adolescence I’ve grown into a resilient person. There isn’t just one experience that has made me this way, but during seventh grade there was a defining time in my life that truly affected me unlike anything else ever had or will. My school days were routine and quiet, a casual suburban life that left me bored and constrained. On March 20th, like any other day, I went to school and things were calm. When my mother was late to pick me up after school however, I knew that something happened. The prior few weeks my house held a heaviness to it, as if it was holding a secret just from me. I had an ever growing anxiety that something was wrong but I could never confirm anything. My mother never arrived that day. Instead my sister drove up to the curb masqueraded in my mother's green Subaru. I got into the car, and my sister told me that we should go to …show more content…

Although not the change I craved, it was a change nonetheless. My mother hadn’t died, but in a way I had lost my mom for a period of time. Physically, she couldn’t be with me for a few weeks, mentally it took much longer. I never resented my mom, it wasn’t her fault, and I was also never explicitly sad, because I knew she would get better. What I felt was a loss of that complete support mothers are supposed to give their child, which left an emptiness in my life. Things became slightly more difficult, school was harder to focus on, I couldn’t go out as much, and had to take on more responsibilities. No matter what happened however, I took it on. I persevered for my mother and for myself. I became stronger, wiser, and more mature. This event was a major point in my growth, it changed who I was completely. However since then I have continued my journey, I have grown and recognized my worth as a person. My mother and I are both stronger than ever before, and we expect to keep

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