My Critique: 'My Problem With Her Anger'

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Shawn Grube English101 Javier Avila 6 March 2017 My Critique The article “My problem with her anger” was written by Eric Bartles. It is a first person point of view about the multiple problems he and his wife face while raising a family. The author goes into detail about the domestic problems that arise after having children, while both parents maintain a job. Bartles continues to state the anger his wife projects on him, which he believes is due to his shortcomings. The writer expresses the difficulties of their relationship, and tell readers ultimately no matter how bad things get it, it continued to work. In his article, Bartles never shows his wife’s side of the story and expresses how he would occasionally get upset with her. He uses the example of being in an egalitarian marriage as an excuse for his spouse’s anger issues. The author feels he does not deserve any of the anger she expresses because he doesn’t do anything wrong. He ultimately makes his wife seem overexaggerating and is the only one with faults in their relationship. Bartles does show that he understands his wife’s anger, but refuses to take any blame for any of his actions. While he uses examples of being wrongfully yelled at constantly, the author portrays himself as being innocent. He also states on different occasions that …show more content…

He uses examples of how poised his actions are versus hers, especially when it comes to parenting. “It baffles me that someone of my wife's intelligence would shout at our son to stop yelling or demand in a voice twisted with exasperation that our daughter stop whining. Can't she see what she's doing?” Bartles uses her anger issues consistently against her in her decision making. He describes an incident where his wife stomped her feet at a mere question of his. Although he does describe her in the story as a good parent, he continues to make his wife seem one-sided and

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