My 24-Hour Disconnection

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To prepare for my 24-hour disconnect is causing a realization of the various factors that will be involved in this. The first thing about being disconnected from social media. I personally will not mind this, I presume. The reason for this is that I mainly use my phone to pass the time. Which leads me to believe that be able to find a new outlet for my quote on quote “boredom” I will be pleased. One of the other obligations that need to be factored in is that I will not be able to contact my family via phone. Which requires me to find a day that I know I have planned nothing. Which would help me not need to coordinate any transportation issues. Lastly, one of the minor things I ought to recognize is the people who contact me to purchase one of the numerous items that I am selling. …show more content…

With that, I receive a commission off that. The reason I fear for this is that if I do not contact them, almost, instantly and or plan a meeting time almost instantly lose the sale. After dealing/figuring out these hurdles I feel I will likely be alright. I feel this will be a minorly pleasant task. The hardest time will likely be when I am at home or in the hall because I like to check my phone notifications and respond to people. I also like to be on my phone in the hall. This is probably the obvious answer. The hardest type of technology for me to give up will probably be my phone. The reason for this is that my phone is easily accessible to me. My phone is almost always on me. I was a little hesitant at first, but now I am excited about the outcome. I want to disconnect and truly experience the world around

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