Music Argumentative Essay

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Music is the soul of all that moves and beats. It brings rhythm and lyrical perspectives that resonate with our way of thinking. We’ve all been reeled in to a few good songs before, ones that make you feel so ecstatic and free. Though there are also songs that have made us shed a few tears because it inflicts such a powerful truth that we can’t help but cry. In a way music is a power that all of us can’t control. It gets to us by hitting us where we’re most vulnerable, our mind. It makes one wonder if music is a good or bad thing. While music has its benefits and cons there will always be a conflict between them which is why a compromise must be made.
Music has become an essential want in most people's lives. It's the key thing for anything, whether it’s a party, shopping, showering, even walking, it’s just always a great accompaniment. Though when exactly did music become such a fundamental necessity? And how is it so powerful, that it affects our emotions? Well it all starts with sound waves. Music creates sound waves that travel to the auditory canal. These waves begin to create vibrations as it reaches the eardrum. The vibrations continue on past the eardrum and exit through the stapes. The stapes itself …show more content…

The arts were beginning to come alive once more and many composers and artists began to study and learn to create new and exciting work. For musicians, it was mostly a time to invent music for the church, and a man named, Josquin des Prez was successful with that goal. He revisioned the polyphonic style and added more zest to the music (ipl2). As the years went on music evolved more and more suiting the different eras, creating more kindle, and elegant music. However as music never stays the same, people wanted a more expressive form of lyrical work and that is what they received. Other artists jumped and began to create more music, leading to: folk music, rock and roll, latin, soul, metal, punk rock, and hip

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